Celebrating Acting Career T-Shirt Quilt
Aug 20, 2013

McKenzie Hanson’s Project Repat blanket celebrates her acting career, “My t-shirt blanket brings back my fondest memories from all of the plays I’ve been in. I remember being able to miss school on the performance days, performing in front of my childhood peers, dancing on stage between performances, eating pizza sitting in a circle on the floor as a united cast, and the adrenaline rush of opening night. With every signature of the cast members on the back of these t-shirts, I remember family. Each t-shirt has a story of a great time and friends.
Pecos Bill and Slue-Foot Sue Meet The Dirty Dan Gang was a landmark play for me because it was the first play I got to be a main character in. I have fond memories of this production because of the tight-knit cast. Everyone was family. We shared the innocence of being young and alive on stage. There is a joy in being on stage together; building each other up with the talent we each put forth.
Every time I received a t-shirt from a theater production I counted it as a prize. As I grew older I still loved theater but other interests weighed on me heavier than this old passion. When I moved out, all of my old t-shirts went into storage and when I pulled them out from storage I realized I had collected quite a few prizes. I needed to do something with them and fast. I’ve always loved the idea of putting the t-shirts together into a quilt but I didn’t know where to go. I was overjoyed when I finally found out about Project Repat. These memories will always be a part of me”