A memory t shirt quilt of love and college memories
Jul 22, 2014

My husband and I met on the first day on my freshman year at La Salle University in Philaldelphia, PA. He was a sophomore tennis player from Virginia and I was Kansas girl looking to explore the new city. After 4 years of countless basketball games, service trips, fundraisers/races, vacations, and city outings we had more t-shirts and memories than we knew what to do with. Thankfully, we found Project Repat.
We’ve been together for 5 years, married for 3 weeks, and now have an incredible- t shirt quilt wrapped with memories from every step—state, game, and trip—along the way!
Billy Nason—2012 La Salle University Grad, works in Sales just outside of Washington, D.C. Billy is also a 1st lieutenant in the US Army National Guard.
Amy Nason—2013 La Salle University Grad, works at a digital publishing company in Falls Church, VA.
Met on August 19th, 2009 and were married on July 5th 2014.